April 28, 2010

Disco Dancer - 11

Yaad Aa Raha Hai - Basavalingiah Hiremath/Bappi Lahiri) It all begins with Jimmy as a little boy -- performing on the streets of Bombay along with Rajesh Khanna (in what is billed as a "friendly appearance") -- their guitar and drums entertaining the whole neighborhood. From the distance a rich little girl watches the fun loving pair in envy and one day she invites Jimmy behind her compound wall to make music together. Her father comes home though and whacks the boy across the face, throws Jimmy's mother down on the ground and has Jimmy arrested. Jeered by their neighbors, the mother and son are forced to leave Bombay in shame and settle elsewhere -- but the little boy swears vengeance -- his weapon of choice -- disco. Jump ahead fifteen years into the middle of disco fever and the "I am so cool it must hurt" Sam rules the disco kingdom. The adulation and success have gone to his head though as he pleasures himself with groupies, talks about himself in the third person and yells out in English "Shut up. Sam is great you know. Sam is a music king. Sam is a star". Unfortunately for Sam his salad days are about to end. Frustrated with Sam's egotistical ways, his manager leaves him and goes searching for a new talent. Not surprisingly, he spots Jimmy (Mithun Chakravarti) sort of skipping and dancing on a street and immediately knows this is the next big thing! In his first appearance the crowd is filled with hostile supporters of Sam (sort of like when the Beatles came along ...


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